Like anxiety, depression is one of the most commonly encountered mental health issues. It can leave individuals in a dejected and despondent state of which can greatly impact upon their lives.
Some of the symptoms of depression are:
Loss of interest and enjoyment in activities.
Feeling others have more power than you.
Loss of motivation (not in the same sense as bereavement, as depression can be a constant and with bereavement the loss of motivation tends to come and go).
Changes in weight and appetite.
Changes to sleeping patterns.
Loss of energy.
Low feelings of worth.
Loss of sex drive.
Poor concentration.
A sense of hopelessness.
Suicidal thoughts.
Events or thoughts are negatively appraised or interpreted (I’m worthless/It’s my fault/Why bother, what’s the point?).
Levels of depression:
Mild – This can be the result of some event occurring and can usually pass depending on the situation. Has some impact on your everyday life. It can be further managed with support and therapy.
Moderate – Has a greater impact of your everyday life and a stronger appearance of symptoms.
Severe – It is very difficult, almost impossible to manage everyday life. In severe cases it is advisable to consult with your GP.
Therapy can help challenge thoughts and feelings. It offers a safe space to explore just what is going for you.